Monday, April 2, 2012

Look Who is Back! The Birds Are Returning to Their Haunts

Look Who is Back! The Birds Are Returning to Their Haunts

The weather has turned a startling warm here. I went outside this morning to sweep off my front walk as a Robin pecked for a worm in my neighbor's front yard.

I went out back to open the screens a bit for warmth to come in, and to sweep the porch. Two Robins emerged from my large pine tree. They were very interested in each other--the male more so, the female less. I interrupted. They were unafraid of me, but they scurried away a little, the female to the neighboring yard, the male dropping down to the yard behind the house. Yes, it is Spring, and that time again.

The Geese have been settled in for several weeks, and the Crows squawk about. Today, a Blue Jay ate on the small feeder. The Blackbirds have returned also, so I will not longer fill the large feeder. At this moment a Blackbird is 'going at' my small feeder, and as around six birds come at a time, the feeder will soon be empty. Since there are thousands in the area when they return (I have seen them in trees in the fields above this area) I do not feel badly in denying them.

The snow is almost gone. Spring is truly in the air. I love it. I'm glad to have you back, Spring!

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