Sunday, April 1, 2012

Surprise Happenings at Christmastime

Today is Christmas Day. I meant to post this yesterday, but things got pretty busy. A day before Christmas Eve day we had a surprise Snow Storm--only about 2-3 inches, but perfect for Christmas. That day, when the storm subsided, I went out to clean my car. I forgot, however, about the freezing rain of the day before. It was a struggle to scrape and clean.In the midst of the work, I heard familiar sounds. It was Honking Geese. Geese? The end of December? I looked up, and sure enough, a long string of Canada Geese appeared high above me. They were finally on their way south along The River. The leader had a follower to his right to spell him off. No doubt they would reform into a V at some point, but to leave it so late? I hope they meet no storms. I began to wonder why they were late--waiting for chums to come? Warmer weather gave them false hope of a "little longer." What our animal friends do always adds mystery that makes our lives more interesting. The sight brightened my difficult work.The birds appear to be resting with little activity. I suspect with the snow so late, they had lots of time to gather food and store it in their nests. I'll soon have to clean and refill the large bird Feeder. Some of the food might have got wet. The food looks clumped. I need a chum to assist me, but Christmas is not the time to ask. A friend came and brought his new "smart" book to show me. We had some fun with it. He offered to refill the feeder, another surprise.I hope you all have had a Wonderful Christmas Day, and that you will enjoy the whole Holiday Season, and will have many lovely surprises, not only in gifts, but in the warm relationships that mean so much to all of us at this special time of year.

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