Sunday, April 1, 2012

Odd Events This Time of Year. Should I be Surprised

On my wildlife calendar for January sits a cold, frozen-looking Great Blue Heron. Its legs appear to be stuck in the ice. I understand that in spearing their fish in ponds and lakes, they stand like that--only their eyes (and heads at times) move. Yet, how can he see into the pond for fish when it is covered with snow? It is a puzzle.I also understand that the Great Blue Heron ranges here along the Great Lakes and Our River during winter. In summer it breeds farther north, but generally spends winters in Central America. The puzzle continues. Why would they stay in such cold?It has been dreadfully cold here the last little while, with bitter winds and furnaces going full tilt. Yet, yesterday it rained--all day. My driveway looked like a skating rink. I visited the local town the other day, and the air bit at me, the whole area frozen. What is going on with the weather? It is like a Yo-Yo. One day the birds are freezing in their nests; the next day they are trying to keep dry. With our huge snow dump recently, the birds seem grateful for the food. After that rain they must keep from being drowned. How strange!Now the weather is back to freezing again, just enough to keep things icy. We should be so grateful. Saturday night, it was freezing, and the house temperature went so low I had to change my dual energy to oil. It warmed up quickly, so I turned it down again. Something happened.I listened to scrambling, and then chewing from my attic. How did the beast get in? I thought my attic completely sealed from invaders, especially Raccoons. The only door is accessible by a tall ladder, and padlocked. They broke in through the vents? The aggression of the chewing bespoke a male. They are fat guys weighing, least twenty pounds. How could they squeeze in, being that solid? The female Racoons are smaller, but even so...I heard her last night scrambling around. The weather has moderated, so no doubt the male is back to his schedule of 'leave at dusk and return at dawn.' The female stays out a shorter time.I hope they are not breeding. I thought that lovely time comes in March. Oh dear! What am I going to do now? I need advice. Once the kits arrive I legally must allow them to stay.I suppose there will always be odd events, but I am surprised about the Raccoons. It is a mystery I must solve.

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