Sunday, April 1, 2012

Memories From the Corners of My Mind

Late this summer I had memories of a gorgeous bird I saw in my garden, but other activities crowded in, and I put off writing about it. I never forgot. If you have seen a PINE GROSBEAK you will understand.At first I saw a movement to my right as I worked on my computer. A bird sat outside my window, staring at me. I had never seen such a bird before and was intrigued. It was obviously a female--mid-sized, rough feathers, with a rusty head, grey back and lighter grey tummy. She was curious about me as I was about her. I wanted to see her mate. She hopped to the chokecherry as I searched.There he was on the ground in all his glory--pecking at seeds. He looked familiar. There was something about him, but he was stunning. I went for my field glasses. Wow! And my book. The beaks did it. They were GROSBEAKS, with the familiar, fat, yellow beak. These were PINE GROSBEAKS. Some years ago the ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK came to my garden, and the more familiar EVENING GROSBEAK. These both have moved away.I watched ever so long, charmed. Of course the PINE GROSBEAKS were only passing through, but they stayed for a few days, perhaps drawn to a number of pines on my property, transplanted years ago by my husband as young trees. The trees are now mature.I called a friend. She looked the bird up, knew it, and had seen one a few years ago. If you do not know the bird, find a picture of one, or go online. I'll upload one here if I can find one. Do enjoy its beauty. You will have a warm memory if you see one.

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