Friday, September 25, 2009


While visiting with friends for a week, I met again with the son of my hostess, and his Border Collie. Lively is the word for him. We all had fun watching him play.

Down at the end of the backyard four horses cropped grass, so I went along to chat with them. The Bay male was friendly and let me pat his nose a few times. Obviously, he looked for a treat. I had none. The largest horse, a Roan male, or Liver Chestnut--I am not good with horse colors--ignored me. He had a huge, rather ugly head, and continued to crop. Another male, a Chestnut, cropped weeds near the fence, but would not lift his head to me. Whether he was intimidated by the electrified line or not, I do not know. He was not as high as the Bay. Behind him, on the other side of the run, was a lovely female, a Black. Her head was decidedly feminine. She watched me the whole time, but remained cropping. The Roan had scars. All had beautiful black manes and tails, with uneven blazes, and short, white socks on their back legs. They all appeared to be related. When the Roan wanted to move on, he bit the quarters of the Bay, to get him to go, and all moved along. The Roan was Top Dog? Or Top Horse?

The area was truly country, with a number of horse farms. Not far away were cattle farms. It was the first time I saw an Alpaca farm. I had seen Alpacas in Peru, but these had all been shaved. They looked funny with their bodies bare and fluffy heads, necks and legs. I do hope they grow out their coats before winter sets in.

I enjoyed the visit with my friends. We talked, walked, shopped, and ate, etc., but the animals I encountered played a large part in that enjoyment. Truly it was a pleasant vacation.

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