Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I heard on the radio the other day that it would cause little harm to begin feeding birds again even though it is migratory season. The birds, it said, are hungry. I thought it good advice, so put out the smaller feeder. Its presence might evade the blackbirds and grackles if they are still about. Otherwise I am sunk; I cannot withdraw it. Several days go by before the birds twig that it is up again. A few come, and that attracts other birds, then before long there is a veritable army--rather air force, of birds. You would think they had some telepathic system for alerting their buddies--but in our greedy, human world that would not fly--pardon the pun.

There was to have been frost last night since we are into hard frost season, mid October here, but it did not come to the garden. Some like the Fall, but not I. I must admit that the leaves are quite colorful. This leads me in my somewhat disjointed manner to my showy cactus, which is loaded with buds about to burst forth in profuse glory, eventually with double blossoms. I do look forward to it. Along with the still blooming geraniums it will leave my house most lovely.

Indoors it is. I will leave the outdoors to the birds and other adventurous beings.

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