Saturday, October 3, 2009


Outdoors, signs of Fall are everywhere evident. The nights are cool, dipping to almost zero. Days are cold. The Sun shows its face a lilttle, but many days it hides behind clouds and dullness. The birds have pretty much gone, although the Blue Jay calls. We have had lots of dreadfully windy weather when the birds played least in sight. I have some old peanuts for the Jays when I am certain the Blackbirds have departed. Usually they mass in our (street) trees, but they may have alighted elsewhere. Flocks of Canada Geese high in the sky prove they are on their way, following the River south.

My friend in Ottawa saw a Snow Goose alone by a pond. I hope he finds his mates soon. The odd few geese fly about, no doubt looking to attach themselves to a flock. Even the squirrels appear to be caught up in the uncertainty of change.

Indoors, my green tomatoes are determined to remain so. I left a few tiny cucumbers out, but will have to rescue them soon. In another week or so hard frost will descend upon us, which means I must cut my herbs and bring them in. My geraniums sit, now warm, toasty, and snug in their window boxes. They will rebel at the change and drop leaves, but adjust. When they complete their blooming, I will cut them back for their resting period.

My early Christmas Cactus is in bud, usually in bloom when the older, wiser Cactus is just beginning to bud. It properly blooms just before Christmas, and as I continue to feed it, blooms well into spring. Having rested from spring to fall, it soon will become active. The early Cactus achieves a mass of lovely blooms, but has little staying power. It is great to have this show when I can no longer enjoy the flowers outdoors.

In Genesis 8:22, after the flood, the Lord promised that the seasons would always be with us. Change or no, we cannot stop the seasons as they perfect their destiny.

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