Saturday, July 18, 2009


Before I talk with you about breeding my dogs, I want to tell you about Dog Shows.

One of my greatest joys was to take one of my dogs and go to a Show. If I was 'showing' a dog, then grooming was the main task, and following the breed, from Puppy, to Group, to Best in Breed. On days when I did not show, we walked about, looking at the other breeds, and watching their placings. I knew only the standards for the Shetland Sheepdog, but chatted with breeders for information. The breeders are pleased that you wish to learn about their special breed. Handlers and judges are always preoccupied.

I recommend going to Dog Shows, even if you do not plan to purchase a dog, but get it at a shelter or elsewhere. The beauty of these animals when their coats are brushed to perfection, in long-coated breeds especially, is astounding. For other less obvious breeds, you must educate yourself in their standards. Going to Shows increases your knowledge, because it is all about Standards. These have been developed over many years, and are still evolving. How close that dog comes to that particular standard is first and foremost. If, however, two dogs are equally close to the standard, it is the one who shows best on that particular day, who wins.

By attending the Shows you get to see what the breeders and judges see. You become aware of perfections and imperfections. Young breeders come to get their dogs recognized, and that is done with ribbons for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and sometimes 4th place finishes. More experienced breeders come for the basic reason for the Shows--breeding. They come to search for a dog for their bitch. Many factors come into play, which I will deal with later.

There are some dogs who love to "show (themselves) off." It requires a lot of work and training on your part to bring your dog to that position, but in the end, it is the personality of the dog who shows well who catches the judge's eye. If you are fortunate enough to have one of those dogs, you could be a winner.

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