Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ideas For Gardens

Hi, I found this article about a garden pool or pond, and wondered if you would be interested. Take a look.

"Garden ponds add an exotic note and peaceful ambience to your landscaping

Dressing up an existing garden in more unusual ways takes a little innovation and sometimes, plenty of money and professional help. However, there's one garden element which can make a dramatic difference, which you can do yourself with just a little effort and not much expense. Garden ponds add a peaceful little getaway spot right in your own backyard. With a proper selection of water plants to populate your pond, you can have a little exotica as well.

It's important to scope out the best location and lay out the approximate size. For example, if you intend to have your garden pond serve as a spot to relax on a garden chair, work out your layout on paper or the PC so there's plenty of room for your chairs, a little bistro table for morning coffee, or whatever you intend.

You can buy the garden pond forms at any nursery and most big home improvement centers. These forms are lightweight plastic, usually black and available in a variety of sizes and shapes, made to lend a natural look with an irregular, but pleasing shape. These are relatively inexpensive. You simply dig your hole of sufficient size, install the pond form and fill in around the edges with dirt. Some manufacturers recommend black plastic sheeting as edging.

You can also easily make your own custom garden pond. Dig a hole to the desired depth and shape with a regular garden spade. Rather than dig your pond at a uniform depth, make the sides slope like a natural pond. This not only looks more realistic, but also allows you to plant water plants around the edges, enhancing the effect. Layer the bottom of your pond-to-be with gravel, and pour in cement, using a trowel to spread the cement around the bottom and edges. Allow the cement to cure. You can then paint the cement to suit your taste.

If you want your garden pond to be inhabited with fish, consult your nursery on which types of fish are best suited to your situation. Koi ponds are quite popular, but you'll need a larger size pond. You'll also need a water filtration system to provide oxygen and avoid rapid algae growth.

If plants are what you fancy, plan your plantings carefully before you begin. Here again, your nurseryman can help with suggestions on number and types of plants and ornamental grasses. There are also water plants which root at the bottom of the garden pond and produce flowers which float on the surface.

These man-made ponds need minimal maintenance, well worth the effort when compared with the added enjoyment you'll derive. Best of all, installing a garden pond, complete with its occupants, requires no more than a weekend's worth of effort."

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