Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." Song of Solomon 2:12

Well...not the TURTLE--at least not around here. I saw one at the pond when I used to walk up regularly some years ago--although the point is, SPRING has finally arrived. The past week was cold and rainy, but the last few days have been sunny, not exactly warm. We are promised good days and more heat this coming week.

The BIRDS are off building nests. Above my bedroom window a nest hangs down. The ROBIN parent comes and goes. She saw me today as I shut the window, so I hope I didn't disturb her. That area has been the ROBIN'S territory for some years, but it is the first time a nest has sprung up on top of the window.

An AMERICAN GOLDFINCH and her mate have been active outside my den window on my Chokecherry tree. How drab her coat is. CHIPPING SPARROWS with their red caps find the tree interesting as well, perhaps with the buds coming out. I Saw my first young CEDAR WAXWING, and the CARDINALS are around. My feeders are empty because of the presence of the BLACKBIRDS, so it is pleasant to see different BIRDS flitting about the garden.

The sun shines, a good sign of SPRING, and for the BIRDS, who are more active on sunny days.

Has SPRING sprung in your area?

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