Sunday, March 13, 2011


The STORMS we thought would never end have come and gone--in this area. Out west is still struggling. Only last week we glumly shovelled piles of snow. Surprising signs of spring are evident around us.

The BIRDS are busy finding sustenance, and perhaps cowed by the DYNAMITE explosions on the next street. (Sewer and water are going in.) The workers come to my street next week, and if I jump at a DYNAMITE blast from there--what willl it be like just outside my door?

With the devastation in JAPAN, and tremendous loss of life, one's mind cannot help but go to the ANIMALS. Many countries are now assisting the distressed country, and IFAW, (Inernational Fund For Animal Welfare) is on standby--to come when requested. What ANIMALS--let alone people, could have survived such a nightmare? Perhaps more to come. The mind boggles.

Yet here in my small corner, as one looks out and sees the BIRDS flitting about around the feeders, one cannot mind a STORM or two to ruffle all of our feathers.

We must be grateful and do what we can to help--if only to pray for those involved in the larger STORMS of this world.

What was your reaction to the devastation? Some of you are very near.

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