Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have seen a GIANT HOUSE SPIDER (Tegenario duellica)

I had an unpleasant surprise the other day while working with a friend changing windows to screens. We were on our last one--the back door on the garden side. He was on the outside, I in, when he looked agitated and said to grab a broom, and come and look. I poked my head out, and there on the door jamb, high on one side--with a "possible" little hop into the house, was the largest house spider we had ever seen.

The spider was at least 3" (three inches) long, with a body 1 1/2" (one and one half) inches. We were stunned and in shock for several moments as we studied it. I lifted my broom and knocked it down while my friend stomped on it. Sorry about that for those of you who love Spiders, but the thing was too close for comfort. Perhaps it came from under the house in the crawl space.

We went inside and looked through as many books as possible to find it was a GIANT HOUSE SPIDER, Tegenaria duellica, now found all over North America. I looked on the web the next day confirming it. This one was a male. Tell me if I am wrong, but he was on his way to find a female nest where he would mate with the female at least two times. He would remain there and shortly die. The female would then eat him, thus providing nourishment for her offspring.

I have battled CELLAR SPIDERS for years, and the odd SMALL HOUSE SPIDER indoors, and outdoors live and let live with the large GARDEN SPIDERS (who eat many insects), and the odd DADDY LONG LEGS, but in living here in the country for over thirty years I have never seen such a large Spider.

I hope I shall never see a GIANT HOUSE SPIDER again.

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