Tuesday, September 1, 2009


You may have noticed that I do not speak of a current dog. I do not have one at present, but I hope that will change. I would love to have a dog. The timing has not been right, but every time I see a dog--wherever I see one, my heart is there. Change.

I picked both tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden yesterday. The weather is cool, but promises sun this coming week, which should ripen most of the tomatoes, and cause the cucumbers to grow larger. Although my flowers bloom merrily, they will benefit from more sun. It is time to consider bringing in some house plants. The nights are cool. There too, is change.

Summer appears to be on its way out. The days are shorter. The leaves turn color and fall around me here. I do not look forward to the truly cooler days. The sun shines, the wind cools. Change is coming. As one favorite poet has said, "Now goes the golden autumn far away, now nearer comes the winter to my door..." It does not yet apply, but I can feel it coming. You can tell I am a summer person.

Let us hope that this change does not come too soon.

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