Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A story has been paramount in my area for several weeks concerning ninety-nine sled dogs rescued from a farm further north by the Animal Protection Societies. The owner was unable to care for them.

This is a problem with sled dogs. They work hard during the snowy winter months in races, etc., but the owners must still feed and care for them over spring, summer, and fall. A huge task it is for anyone to take on ninety-nine?? From pictures, the dogs were somewhat emaciated, cold, and hungry, and the rescue team saw no water. Thirty of the females were pregnant, and at the last report I heard, four mothers had dropped (for example) ten puppies each. Twenty-six more mothers have yet to bear. Most of the dogs are huskies, but some are cross breeds.

When one thinks of the enormity of the task the Humane Societies must face in feeding and providing Veterinarian care for so many dogs, it is staggering. I understand they have a source for food, but they need donations for the Vet care, not to mention the advertising needed to place all of these dogs in homes across Canada and the USA. People are calling in, but such a program for all of these dogs and the puppies to come!!!

How sad that this occurrence happens all over North America, with even worse horror stories of dogs in far worse conditions. Lax tax laws and punishments allow for this, and even some owners are given back some of their dogs to start the process all over again--but one sees the winds of change. It is our task to press for firmer laws, and that owners receive more severe judgments so they will think twice before jeopardizing these beautiful animals.

We must do our part to help. The Humane Societies will be aware of this story if you wish to assist.

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