Friday, October 23, 2009


I have had a few interesting incidents as proof of this.

With all of the Autumn leaves so beautiful and the small birdfeeder out, birds arrived to feed. The day was clear and cloudy. The Nuthatches frolicked about, as did the Blue Jays. Well...'frolick' is not quite the word for them. Since the large feeder is as yet unfilled, it was amusing to see the Jays gyrate their large bodies to get at the small holes near the bottom of the feeder. It surprisingly held their weight. One at a time is good. I have been throwing up peanuts to the large feeder, peanuts left from last year, but they don't seem to mind. They truly are intelligent, and sit above, watching me until I am finished. I can work around outside, and they go about their business. Since the Jays are absent during the summer, I take it they migrate elsewhere, to return in the Fall--their calls strident--and remain until the spring. It is good to have them back. I believe they are the Northern Jay, (cyanocitta cristatta bromia). Along with them, the Mourning Doves are here. How good to see them again. They bottom feed, although I have seen them on the large feeder. They are most humble, and wait their place. Yesterday a pair sat in the tree. Today, three fed on the ground, so another mate must be near. It pleases us both, me to see them all, and they to feed. The Cardinals are the last to come. I hope to see them soon.

I returned from shopping the other day to discover the beautiful Bernese Mountain dog from the top of the street, free, and snuffing about down near the Park. He is usually tied, or inside, unless his family has him out for a romp with them. I parked and walked up to the house to knock on the door. No one appeared to be home, so I walked back down to the Park. He was still sniffing about, but further away. I had a young dog killed on the highway, so I was uneasy. I started walking toward him, and saw that his leash, or chain was broken and dragging. Cheerily calling, "Good Boy, etc...." I had him backing up a bit as I came closer. He shied and padded warily around me to safety? Good. He made his way up the steet, and I "Good Boy'd" him all the way up until he went down his driveway to the back of the house. I let out a sigh.

Helping days are good. What are friends for?

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Beth Lowell said...

seeing loose dogs is so upsetting. seeing dogs tied up outside almost equally so. I think dogs would prefer to be inside with people to being tied up outside, alone.

My Instant Internet Lifestyle Review said...

I agree, Beth, but people gone all day make choices. In this case, there were two large dogs, to keep each other company. It doesn't make it right, but when one isn't certain when one will return, it must have seemed a logical choice. The dogs are usually inside.
