Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I made another visit with friends in the Ottawa Valley. This is indeed HORSE country. There were many 'horse' farms, and I saw some new horses added to the four at the bottom of my friends' garden. The new mare turned her body around so that she could lip the spot above the rump of the top 'dog,' or horse. I was surprised to see the stallion turn his body to do the same to her--at the same time. You horse people would know the gesture. It was that very special spot dogs love to be rubbed, because they can't quite reach it. The feeling appears to be exquisite in dogs. Is it the same in horses--or is there some other meaning? Is it submission, acceptance, or another purpose?

I also saw them sleeping one day out in the field. The stallion stood, one leg resting. Three of the younger ones lay sprawled, one or two cropped grass. I enjoy watching them.

I saw the ususal ALPACA farm, with gorgeous deep browns, beige, black and white. In a separate field was a gray, new to me. When I visited Peru some years ago, I was pleased to know I could purchase such a beautiful brown Alpaca wool there that did not have to be dyed.

Another site was a field of SHEEP guarded by a LLAMA, and I thought of my article on: Livestock Guardian Dogs-A Courageous and Lonely Breed of Dog, and how it has been proven scientifically that Dogs are more effective than LLamas or Donkeys in guarding sheep, cattle.

And, of course, I had a visit with my BORDER COLLIE friend.

I saw my first BLUEBIRD. Although home boxes are up in the fields around my area. I had never seen a Bluebird. I was sitting on the back porch of my friends' house, and it flew down in front of me. It was lovely.

There had been a story circulating in my friends' area about a young FAWN, who must have lost its mother, and adopted itself into other groups, for instance, WILD TURKEYS. It was seen by many, and went on to different animal families, then was seen no more. We trust the Wildlife people saw to it getting proper care.

Vacation travel indeed broadens one's mind, and provides interesting experiences. It was a most refreshing visit.

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